
As the name suggests, ABC’s TV show Modern Family depicts the relationships and experiences between a fictional extended family. Throughout the course of the series, the show addresses many issues that families deal with each day. For a close-knit family such as this fictional one, estate planning is crucial to ensure that everyone is protected when one of them dies or becomes disabled or incapacitated. We hope that examining some issues this family would need to address as they prepare for such circumstances will encourage you to consider the impact to your own family.
The Family’s Entrepreneurial Endeavors
Over the course of the series, there are a variety of businesses owned by members of the family. Whether it is a hobby, investment, or their nine-to-five job, these businesses require special consideration when planning for their future.
Multiple Generations of Blended Families
When determining who will receive their money and property, members of blended families must evaluate the bonds within their family. For instance, on several occasions, Jay refers to Manny as his son, and Manny spent many of his formative years living with his mother and Jay. On the other hand, although Dylan and Haley have two children together, Dylan also has children from his first marriage. Haley may not be that close to Dylan’s other children and may not want them to receive anything she owns individually (or what she may inherit from her parents). Because a stepchild has no legal right to their stepparent’s money and property, a properly documented last will and testament or trust needs to be put in place in order for a stepparent to leave anything to their stepchild at death.
Guides for the Next Generation
Within this extended family, there are a few minors who need guardians in the event both parents pass away. First, although Manny states that he wants to be Joe’s guardian in the event Gloria and Jay pass away, they need to name the person they want to be Joe’s guardian in their wills. However, the naming of an individual in a last will and testament or separate document is merely a nomination. This may not stop others from contesting the nomination. It may be wise for Jay and Gloria to have frank conversations with both of their families to avoid the possibility of a fight for guardianship and to prevent Joe from potentially being taken to a foreign country.
Lily and Rex are also minors who would need a guardian if their parents were to pass away. Without an appropriate estate plan, a fight between Cameron’s and Mitchell’s families is likely to occur. Although Lily spent much of her life around Mitchell’s family, by the end of the show, Lily and Rex are moving with their parents to Missouri and will be living closer to Cameron’s family. Rex will arguably grow up with a greater bond with Cameron’s family, which could lead to conflict between the Pritchett and Tucker families if a guardian for these two children is needed.
Lastly, Poppy and George would need guardians if their parents died. Haley and Dylan may not have a lot of money and property to plan for, but their precious children deserve at least basic planning, including naming a guardian and alternates. At the end of the show, although Haley and Dylan are no longer living with Phil and Claire, they are still living close by. However, Dylan’s mother Farah started appearing once Haley became pregnant. She may have a desire to raise the children should something happen to Haley and Dylan.
If you have minor children, it is important that you think about who you want to raise them if you cannot. Although no one will ever care for them as you would, it is important that you nominate someone in a last will and testament or separate writing (if your state allows for one). Although the court will still have to make the ultimate decision as to who will be the guardian, you can rest easier knowing that you have made your wishes clear. Also, by having conversations with your family members ahead of time, you may be able to reduce the possibility of fighting after your death if everyone understands your wishes.
Protecting the Surviving Spouse
All married couples face the question of what will happen at the first spouse’s death. Some couples, like Phil and Claire, have earned and accumulated most of what they have while they were married. It would be understandable for them to consider everything they own “theirs.” Both of them would likely want everything to go to the surviving spouse. However, when everything is given to a spouse outright, the hard-earned money and property is susceptible to creditors and predators. A naive and well-meaning person like Phil might become the victim of a scam artist and give large sums of money away based on a sad story. Alternatively, a successful woman like Claire could end up remarrying, and without proper planning, could accidentally disinherit Haley, Alex, and Luke by leaving everything to her new spouse. To protect what you leave to your surviving spouse, no matter if it is your first or third marriage, a qualified terminable interest trust can help. This type of trust can allow your surviving spouse to receive the income the trust generates at least annually. They can also withdraw principal for specific purposes like health, education, maintenance, and support, while allowing you to determine what happens to any remaining money at your spouse’s death.
Determining How Much Everyone Gets
Within this blended family, there are many different options for who will receive an inheritance from each person. When preparing his estate plan, Jay will need to consider how he wants to divide everything he owns. In his immediate family, he has a spouse, two adult children from a previous marriage, a minor son, and an adult stepson. He also has five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. He will need to decide who gets what, how much, and when. He will need to ask himself if it is better to give everything to Gloria (possibly in a trust) for her needs during her life with the remainder to go to Claire, Mitchell, and Joe at her death—or if Claire and Mitchell should receive their portion of the inheritance while Gloria is still alive. Should he provide for Joe or leave that up to Gloria if she survives him?
When considering what to leave to a surviving spouse, it is important to remember that in some jurisdictions, there is a minimum amount that must be given to a surviving spouse known as the elective share. Also, if you reside in a community property state, your spouse may be entitled to some of your money and property if it was acquired during your marriage. While someone might think that their surviving spouse will be able to support themselves without an inheritance, it is important to have this conversation ahead of time: without the proper documentation, a surviving spouse can unwind a plan if they have not been provided for in their deceased spouse’s estate plan and have not waived the right to their entitled minimum amount.
Phil and Claire will need to take a look at their own family situation and determine how their money and property are to be divided up among their children and grandchildren. They have three children who are very different and most likely would have very different needs. Haley, the mother of two, may benefit from receiving a larger share since she has two children to support. Alternatively, Phil and Claire could choose to set aside a sum of money specifically for their grandchildren. Alex may not need an inheritance given her education and employment opportunities. Luke, on the other hand, may need more financial assistance. A sum of money could be held in a trust for him, with restrictions to ensure that he is properly provided for, gets an education, and is able to invest in good business ideas while protecting him and his inheritance from bad business decisions.
For many families across the country, not just the fictitious ones on television, an estate plan is a great way to make sure that you, your loved ones, and your hard-earned money are protected. We are committed to working with families of all shapes and sizes to craft a plan that is as unique and modern as you and your family are.
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