Need a Health Care Directive?

A health care directive is a written document in which you make your wishes known about your health care. Through a health care directive you can also name who you want to act as a health care agent for you in the event you are unable to make decisions. This is important when your health care team determines you cannot communicate your health care decisions.

Though there are many health care directive forms available, we prefer to use forms that are more comprehensive and include space for you to consider quality of life and specific procedures, as well as spiritual beliefs and funeral care. This can help create a better understanding of your wishes when someone else must make decisions for you. When faced with a difficult decision, it can be comforting for family to know your wishes are being followed.

If you have the proper form, you can prepare a health care directive yourself as long as the formalities of executing it are followed. It is a good idea to prepare a new health care directive when moving to another state. When preparing a health care directive it often makes sense to prepare your other important estate planning documents like a will and power of attorney form. By working with your estate planning attorney, you can get all of these documents completed at once for peace of mind.

When preparing a health care directive it often makes sense to prepare your other important estate planning documents like a will and power of attorney form.

If you would like to meet with one of our attorneys to prepare a health care directive, send us an email or call (507) 288-5567.

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Categories: Estate Planning