10 Reasons to Hire an Att…

10 Reasons to Hire an Attorney to Assist with the Medical Assistance Application Process

We have previously discussed the eligibility requirements for medical assistance.

An attorney is not only able to help guide you through the Medical Assistance planning process, but they can also help ease your anxiety throughout the application process. The Medical Assistance application may appear simple on its face but depending on your assets and income, it can be a rather challenging and time-consuming task. The nursing home or assisted living social worker or county worker may advise you on what documents you need to complete but they cannot give you legal advice.

Hiring an elder law attorney to assist you with the Medical Assistance application process can help protect and preserve your assets for the next generation. An attorney can assist you in the following ways:

  1. Advising you about the Medical Assistance laws
  2. Assisting you in protecting assets
  3. Providing guidance in creating a spenddown
  4. Ensuring you get to keep the income/assets you are entitled to
  5. Ensuring you are not leaving other benefits on the table that may be available to you
  6. Explaining the estate recovery laws and how your assets/estate might be affected when you die
  7. Gathering information for the Medical Assistance application
  8. Preparing the application and all necessary forms for you
  9. Reviewing all notices from the county and responding to them in a timely fashion
  10. Assisting you with post-eligibility planning

Applying for Medical Assistance can be overwhelming. Our attorneys are here to help guide you through the process and inform you of your rights, to assure you are able to protect as many assets as possible. Contact our office or book an appointment online to schedule an initial consultation.

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